a.jolley.knit Baby Booties are best thing for a baby's feet - they are warm and they stay on! These Baby Booties are knitted in 3 sizes and out of the softest wool and synthetic yarns! Both the Merino wool and synthetic yarn are perfect to keep those little toes warm all year round.

Solid Booties, $17.00

Solid Booties, $17.00
One color, $17.00

Regular Stripes, $20.00

Regular Stripes, $20.00
Booties with one color of stripes, in regular yarn

Angora Stripes, $25.00

Angora Stripes, $25.00
The stripes are made using Angora yarn. White & Black are on hand; other colors may be possible to order.
- Size 0 will generally fit newborns through 3 months.
- Size 1 will fit 2 months through 9 months.
- Size 2 will fit 6 months through 15 months.
If you are unsure of the size you need, please ask when emailing your order.

About the Yarn:
- Dale of Norway's Baby ULL: Most of the booties I knit are created with this yarn. The supremely soft Merino wool is machine washable and retains it's shape well. Please note: As this is a natural yarn, Baby Ull's white is more cream (see picture below).
- Dreambaby yarn & others: These yarns are a mixture of nylons and acrylic microfibers. Pure white only comes in this variety.
- Angora: The fuzzy stripes are created using this fabulously fun yarn. Angora is a fragile yarn, yet it can withstand the rigors of babies and the washing machine.

To place an order, you will need:
- The size desired
- The color for the body
- The color & type of yarn for the stripes (optional)

Payment Options:
- PayPal (please wait until you've received a confirming email before using PayPal)
- Money order/Cashier's check (I will wait until check is received to start on booties)

- Cash or check (with approval first)

Please email your order to ajolleyknitter@hotmail.com. I will send you a confirming email. Please wait until you've received the confirming email BEFORE paying with PayPal. Most orders can be filled in 3-5 weeks. If you are needing the booties sooner, please contact me!